
Too Many Inquiries Can Hurt Your Credit Score

This is an article that will discuss inquiries which are an entry on a credit report that shows a business has requested a copy of the report. “Hard” credit inquiries happen when a business checks your credit report because you’ve made an application for credit. On the other hand, “soft” credit inquiries are made by businesses that you already have a relationship with. Removing inquiries from your credit report can help you in the credit repair process. Are you trying to get a credit card with a really good rate? You may have been shopping around for a while so that you can get the best possible deal. Chances are, you may have found a few different cards that you like, but there were a couple of things that you did not like about each one. Sometimes, you will find one that you like but you have to pay an annual fee. Other times, you will find one with no annual fee but there will be really high late charges or other miscellaneous fees. However, you should not be applying f...