How is My FICO Score Calculated?
Your FICO rating is created from the information in your credit report. Your credit report contains information such as your identifying data, your debt history, and your repayment history. Late bills, unpaid bills, defaulted loans, many loan applications, bankruptcies, lots of debt, and short relationships with lenders can all lower your credit rating. Paying bills on time, having a reasonable amount of debt that you repay and staying with the same lenders (such as the same credit card companies) over a longer period of time can all raise your credit score . Why Don't I Know my FICO Score? Many customers do not know their own credit rating. This is because credit bureaus are not required to send out credit information to customers. Unless you ask to see your score, you may never see it. However, if you ask to see your credit score, the credit bureau by law needs to allow you to see your credit score and your credit report, if you wish. In some states, you are allowed one ...